Step 1. Start with eye contact. A woman who doesn't want to engage in badinage shifts her eyes away. The woman open to flirtation keeps her eyes on yours.
Step 2. Keep the eye contact going, and keep the conversation rolling. Compliment her shoes, ask her a question and make witty observations about the person across the room.
Step 3. Talk about her. She spends everyday hearing what he says, thinks and wants, wether "he" is the husband, the co-worker, the neighbor or her 3-year-old-son, who thinks he's the center of the world-let the conversation be about her.
Step 4. Use body language. Lean slightly forward on the counter at the coffee shop, tilt your head to show interest as you sit aside by side on the sofa or give the impression that you have all the time in the world (as your legs grow numb from standing), for her.
Step 5. Tailor your persona, Is she wickedly insightful good as gold, world weary a warand cynical or wholesome as slice of wheat bread? Emphathize with her point of view or conversely, offer a polar opposite persona to strike her interest, accentuate your naughty side, for the good as gold, suggest a dissolute lifestyle to the wholesome, offer optimistic charm to the world weary.
Step 6. Slip in compliments as the opportunities arise, few women are impervious to praise, and some are downright addicted.
Step 7. Leave with regret. Always leaving them wanting more works just as well for flirtation as for entertainment. When you must fear yourself away from her company to help another customer,arrive at an appointment on time or pick-up your partnert from work, leave her with a look that says "It made my day meeting you"
Warning: Offer compliments that have a grounding in truth, untrue assertions will ring alarm bells in a straight woman's brain- few are so self-deluding that they can't see a false compliment coming miles away, and those few are psychotic, so beware.
Enjoy the chit chat and she's will too, if you're out to prove attractiveness by hitting on a straight woman, no one wins, but if your're out to have a good time playing social badminton without a net, you'll both have fun and go home satisfies.
Never give the straight woman your address, or next thing you know, she maybe pulling up with a moving truck.
II HOW TO BE ATTRACTIVE TO WOMEN: (follow this tips to make yourself more appealing to women) Take pride of your appearance. Realize you only have one chance to make a good first impression. Appeal to all her senses through your sensous voice, fragrance, clothing and appearance.
Step 1. Start with your hair.See if it is well-groomed or if you could pass for a Grizzly
Step 2. Lose that facial hair. Psychological experiments have shown that man with facial hair appear more untrustworthy than men with smooth cheeks. If you don't want to shave it off, at least take time to trim your beard, mustache or goatee regularly. The point here is to show women that you do care about your appearance.
Step 3. Practice good hygiene. Make sure there"s no food stuck in your teeth, and get rid of bad breath.Trim your fingernails and toenails. Bathe and shower at least once a day and use deodorant. Apply cologne or aftershave sparingly. Use just enough to leave them wanting more.
Step 4. Dress for success. If the woman you're trying to attract hang out in cocktail dresses or tennis skirts,make sure your outfits are in the same league. This means dress pants or shorts and a sweater or collared shirt. However, if Daisy Duke is more your style. go for jeans and a clean tee shirt. You want to look like you belong next to her, whoever she might be.
Step 5. Consider your posture. There's no need to sit ramrod straight, but don't slouch while you're standing or walking. It will always make you look older and more out of shape than you are.
Step 6. Be on your best behavior. Avoid passing gas, picking your teeth, nose or ears, chewing with your mouth open or losing your temper. You will not be attractive to women if they're embarrassed to be seen with you.
Step 7. Give her a reason to think about you. Wear a musculine fragrance that haunts her memory. Tasteful clothes that she yearns to touch, a smile that she can't go out of her mind.
Step 8. Flirt with her by sending silent signals of your interest through subtle body language.
Step 9. Treat her like she's the center of your world. Focus your attention on her and block out distractions.Listen intently to what she as to say, and respond with respect for her opinions. Ask about her interests, her work and her hobbies. Pay attention to the details.
Step 10. Be honest and sincere. Keep your promises. Call if you say you're going to call. Show up at the time you say you're going to arrive. Don't make idle promises that you have no intention in keeping. Step 11. Let her know you're different from other men, emphatize your originality, through your personality, intelligence and behavior. Don't pretend you're anyone other than yourself. Refrain from boasting,particularly about past triumphs with other women. Don't bare or tell all immediately. Your appearance and body language may catch her attention, but it takes personality and charm to sustain a woman's interest.
Step 1. Dress attractively but comfortably. Don't wear clothes that make you feel stiff or self-conscious.
Step 2. Be aware of your posture. It speaks volumes about you. Sit up straight if you want to appear alert and confident. Compliment your date. Don't just say "I like your shirt". Be sincere and notice something that he or she took time with.
Step 3. Learn to flirt and try it out. Don't overdo it. Realize that you don't have to tell people how great you are. It's better to show them instead.
Step 4. Be interested and interesting. Listen actively to what your date says. Ask questions and don't interrupt. Enjoy yourself, no matter what. If you're easygoing and fun to be around and if you can roll with whatever comes your way, you can help but make a great impression.
Step 5. Thank the other person for the date always withour exception. Good manners will get you for.
Step 6. Don"t talk about anything negative or complain on a first date, Be cautious about drinking, it will give you a false sense of confidence and your inhibitions will be lowered. You may say or do things you'll regret later.
Perhaps you suffer from diminished sex drive due to age, health conditions or other reasons. In some cases, males are unable to identify any plausible cause of low sex drive, here are four tips to boost your sexual stamina:
Step 1. Studies have proven that consistent sleep in excess of 6 hours per night enhances your physical strength, promotes good moods and as a result should improve your sex drive. In extreme cases symptoms of depressions and anxiety can lead to both insomnia and diminished sex drive. Many anti depressants and sleep aids can sometimes cause erectile dysfunction and or a loss of libido. Reduce caffeine intake, strive to fall asleep naturally and soundly for at least 8 hours each night.
Step 2. Positive mental attitude and reduced stress are also integral to maintaining a strong sex drive and libido. It maybe stating the obvious but stress or a fear of not performing in bed maybe compounded or even creating the problem in the first place. Relax and trust yourself and your body may respond. You may want to set the stage for sex well beyond the act itself- relax, laugh, do something that makes you comfortable. Don't rush and avoid overdoing it with alcohol-something that may relax you in moderation or lead to problems if done in excess. Drug and alcohol abuse are leading causes of diminished sex drive.
Step 3. Eat a heathy diet and maintain a solid exercise routine. Obesity is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction and low testosterone. By eating well and exercising you can increase testosterone product (something that naturally diminishes as men age starting in their late 30's), and thus an increase in sexual drive and male libido. Saturated fat can lead to clogging of the arteries which in turn can impede blood flow to the genital region. This not only interferes with your ability to perform, but also with sexual pleasures. If you feel good and self-confident you may feel more sexual and attractive to your partner.
Step 4. Several chinese herbs are proven effective at increasing male sexual stamina, libido and overall sex drive. These include Deer Antler used to enhance sexual function, increase libido and help impotence, Changbai Mountain Ant taken to promote, maintain and prolong life, replenish Qi, nourish blood, increase vitality, regulate yin and yan, enhance immune competence (bipolar immune regulation) improve sexual function and increase virility and fertility, strengthen musculoskeletal system, calm anxiety, promote sound sleep. and improve digestion and assimilation, and a formula called TOMKAT offered by Ron Teeguarden, a world famous tonic herbalist.
1. OYSTERS This sexy shellfish has been hailed as an aphrodisiac. They are loaded with helpful mono saturated fats called omega3s, and they carry a hefty dose of testosterone-boosting zinc.
champagne can lower inhibitions and help ease any couple into fun mood.
3. PINE NUTS Pine nuts have more protein than any other nut. Besides providing protein to help increase stamina, it is heavy in mono saturated fats, zinc and other nutrients that are linked with increased sexual desire.
4. ARTICHOKE This nutrient-dense, peculiar plant was once considered such a powerful aphrodisiac that women were banned from eating it.
5. SPICES The right spices not only heat things up on the tongue, but also in the bedroom. Chili pepper and ginger help improve circulation and hot spices like cayenne, curry and cumin help warm the body, and enhances sexual drive.
6. AVOCADO Though science cannot deny that this fruit will get your fire going,it will give you fuel in the form of healthy fats, protein and potassium.
7. CHOCOLATE Eating chocolate causes the release of mood-boosting stress reducing serotonin. The sweet stuff also causes the release of phenyl ethylamine, which causes in blood pressure and blood sugar levels leading to feeling of excitement. Just make sure to choose antioxidant-rich-dark chocolate.
Low sex drive in older men is a common problem. There are many possible external and internal factors that causes a man to become disinterested in sex. Several treatment are available to increase a man's sex drive. The following steps represent some of your options.
1.TALK IT OUT. Many times merely talking to a significant other can help increase a males sex drive. If a man is dealing with some emotional issues, they may need to work them out before they regain interest in sex. 2.REDUCE STRESS. Stress can decrease a man's sex drive. Finding ways to relax will help their sexual desire return.
3.EAT BETTER. A poor diet will make a person lose interest in sex. To increase sex drive, consume more healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables.
4. TAKE A NATURAL SUPPLEMENT. There have been studies conducted that find certain substances help increase a males libido. These supplements include Ginseng, Tribullus, Maca, Horny Goat Weed and L-arginine.
5.MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH A PHYSICIAN. If your sexual drive has declined, it could be a physical problem that requires medication. Or your DHEA and tosterone levels maybe low. Your doctor can test for that and prescribe supplements.
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Erectile Dysfunction - ED Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection
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15-25% of men by the age of 65. 50% of men over the age of 40 may experience transient ED and inadequate erection.
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